A new approach to lessening your allergy woes
Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) testing now offers three “unwind” techniques. Joining the Brain Unwind Experience (BUE) and Emotional Unwind Experience (EUE) is the new Allergy Unwind Experience (AUE). (See the July/August 2022 and the September/November 2022 Red Clover Clinic Newsletters for information on the first two.) This article will focus on the third, AUE. The idea of this system is to reduce the allergic load over time and improve the resilience of the immune system when exposed to allergens.
Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) testing now offers three “unwind” techniques. Joining the Brain Unwind Experience (BUE) and Emotional Unwind Experience (EUE) is the new Allergy Unwind Experience (AUE). (See the July/August 2022 and the September/November 2022 Red Clover Clinic Newsletters for information on the first two.) This article will focus on the third, AUE. The idea of this system is to reduce the allergic load over time and improve the resilience of the immune system when exposed to allergens.
Many of you have experienced this method since I began doing AUE in September. Most people have felt improvements each time they have it done. One had her allergic cough reduced and another noticed increased flexibility in a restricted joint; some have felt increased energy; others have noticed that their allergy symptoms didn’t get as bad as usual this fall; and I myself had a noticeable reduction in inflammatory pain.
What is an allergy?
An allergy is an inappropriate immune response from the brain to a substance. Allergies and sensitivities come about and are exacerbated by an overload to the immune system, i.e., repeated, frequent, or constant exposure to one or more substances.
Allergic reactions appear to be very similar to an autoimmune response. Since our immune system has very little control over what enters our environment, a huge response to an allergen can be viewed as our immune system’s failed attempt to attack something in the environment. Since it can’t attack the environment, it attacks the person instead. The more compromised the person’s immune system is, the greater degree of allergic reaction will ensue.
It takes a lot of energy for the body to produce the symptoms of an allergic reaction. All systems in the body become physiologically stressed when the body is having a specific immune response, causing extreme fatigue. This is why it is sometimes difficult to distinguish an allergic attack from the common cold.
It is important to differentiate between a standard allergic response and anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that occurs rapidly and affects multiple systems in the body. AUE can help to lessen/clear symptoms of standard allergies, i.e. sneezing, congestion, itching, swelling, skin rash. Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical attention.
The Allergy Unwind Experience
This method involves a test kit that is divided into two sections. The first group of test vials includes energies that help to identify weaknesses in the immune response that contribute to the body’s allergic overreaction to the immediate environment. The second group of test vials includes the energies of the allergens. The nice part is that we can add extra vials of allergens that we suspect if they aren’t already in the kit.
As with other MFT methods, we use muscle testing to identify both the immune and allergen vials that the body is responding to. Then we go through a process of tapping acupuncture points/meridians, while holding the Bio-resonator coins (see the July/August 2022 Red Clover Clinic Newsletter for an explanation of what these are). Once the routine is complete, we recheck to make sure the body no longer responds to the vials. This process can be repeated every 12 hours, or just with each appointment. As the “unwind” terminology implies, it may take several clearings over time to sufficiently reduce the allergic load and improve the resilience of the immune system to the attracting allergen.
I am enjoying using this new method because it only takes a few minutes and can make a noticeable change in symptoms. If you are curious about the Allergy Unwind Experience, please ask about it the next time you come in!
Morphogenic Field Technique- The Brain Unwind Procedure
I’ve had arthritic big toes for years. The right one, in particular, has been very painful and I have had to be very careful about what shoes I wear. In the past year or two, the left one has worsened, and the combination was making it very painful to walk with any speed.
In the last issue of the Red Clover Clinic Newsletter I introduced the Morphogenic Field Technique Emotional Unwind Procedure. In this issue I would like to present the Brain Unwind Procedure. Both the Emotional Unwind Procedure and the Brain Unwind Procedure trigger the body’s ability to self-correct and heal. They give the body/mind a chance to reset.
Both methods have the word “unwind” in common. For those of us who have either been trained in bodywork, or are frequent receivers of bodywork, the concept of unwinding is familiar on an experiential level. I imagine it is a rather foreign concept to those who haven’t experienced it.
The concept of unwinding originated in osteopathy, and is now frequently used in reference to myofascial work such as craniosacral therapy and myofascial release. I found an interesting paper called Understanding the Process of Fascial Unwinding, by Budiman Minasny, PhD, that describes unwinding:
Therapists use touch to initiate fascial unwinding. The client responds to the touch, Misasny writes, with “spontaneous bending, rotating, and twisting of the upper or lower limbs or the whole body in either a rhythmic or a chaotic pattern. This response can be thought of as a spontaneous expression of movement. The phenomenon of unwinding, in which parts of the body move spontaneously and involuntarily, can appear mystical, and yet its therapeutic effects are known both anecdotally and clinically.”
The results of unwinding are “based on the simple principle of the body’s ability for self-correction from mechanical disturbances,” Minasny continues. “Unwinding occurs because tissues hold memories of trauma and the unwinding process allows the body to adjust to a new position of ease.” Franklyn Sills, an early pioneer of craniosacral therapy, stated that “the motions often signal the letting go of frozen stress responses and unresolved trauma.”
With the Emotional Unwind Procedure and the Brain Unwind Procedure, the concept of unwinding is related to, and expands upon, the concepts described above. Both of these procedures employ the use of bio-resonators (see last issue of the newsletter) to induce the unwinding.
The Emotional Unwind Procedure focuses on the emotional aspect of unresolved stress and trauma being trapped in the body. The bio-resonators helps to unwind the trapped emotions from the affected organs. Typically the body doesn’t need to move to release the emotions.
The Brain Unwind Procedure focuses on both postural distortions and neurological imbalances. A kit that contains vials with the energies of 60 different parts of the brain is used to identify neurological imbalances. The bio-resonators are held on the head, to induce the unwinding procedure. The body will begin to sway and move in different directions, mimicking myofascial unwinding described above. The unwinding can last several minutes.
Following the procedure, the postural imbalances should be improved, and the neurological imbalances resolved. The primary change I have noticed in my clients is that the nervous system becomes more stable and the person feels more grounded and is able to respond to stimuli with ease and flexibility. The Brain Unwind Procedure is especially useful to treat people who have experienced a traumatic brain injury.
If you’re craving a reset, maybe one of the Morphogenic Field Technique methods will be right for you.
A new method to release emotional baggage
Much of the treatment we do in this office is body-focused. It is the emotions, however, that cause—or at least affect—much of what people suffer from. Addressing emotional health can have a definite, positive impact on physical health. There are many ways to do this.
Much of the treatment we do in this office is body-focused. It is the emotions, however, that cause—or at least affect—much of what people suffer from. Addressing emotional health can have a definite, positive impact on physical health. There are many ways to do this.
From an acupuncture standpoint, improving the flow of energy and addressing the organs associated with particular emotions will help the emotions to move through the body/mind/spirit and balance out. Auricular acupuncture uses points that treat specific emotions and methods to release trauma and treat PTSD. On occasion, we select flower essences to help release emotions and herbs to manage symptoms associated with emotional stress.
I was recently able to learn a method called the Emotional Unwind Procedure, which is created by the developers of Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT, see video below) as a part of the MFT approach. So far, I have found the Emotional Unwind Procedure to be very effective at shifting emotional stress and bringing up important conversations that help clarify and process the effects of negative emotions. In other words, this method helps people cope with the negative physiological effects of what has happened to them.
Before we discuss Emotional Unwind Procedure, it is important to understand MFT. The basic concept behind MFT is to build and maintain a large energy field. A large field is associated with improved overall health, vitality, longevity, and autonomic nervous system function. The larger the field, the better your vitality. Environmental factors affect the size of an energy field. A toxic environment, processed food, and being surrounded by negativity will shrink your field. Living in a healthy, natural environment; eating organic food; and being surrounded by love will increase the size of your field. As MFT’s founder, Dr. Frank Springob, says, considering our current environment and the poor health of the general population, “You can’t afford to have a small field anymore.”
MFT uses a combination of muscle response testing and vials programed with various energies to determine what is challenging the body at the moment, and what we can do to correct these challenges. Dr. Springob put together the 5-minute video below that explains the basics of how MFT works.
Typically, when I try to increase someone’s energy field, I search for toxins to detox, immune challenges to address, or foods to remove from the diet. These treatments are necessary, but it takes time to increase the size of the field. The Emotional Unwind Procedure is an effective and highly efficient way to address emotions and increase a person’s energy field. It is still important to do theother more physiological treatments, but the benefits of having a larger field can be enjoyed almost immediately.
This technique uses a combination of vials programed with the energies of emotions and bio-resonators, in the form of a brass coin, to unwind the emotions from the body. Bio-resonators are used as a storage device for subtle energies. I have a client who has named them “magic coins.” The bio-resonators are programed with corrective energies that target all of the subtle energy receptors in the body, including the nervous system, meridians, and chakras. Placing the bio-resonators onto the body helps to correct stress-induced disruptions at the cellular level and promotes healing.
Emotional Unwind Procedure may seem like an unorthodox method, but it is important to remember that working with energy and energy fields is slowly becoming more understood. It is truly remarkable what information we can glean from the energy field, and what level of healing can be achieved by addressing those things. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Emotional Unwind Technique, or MFT in general, give us a call or ask about it at your next appointment.
What has changed? What have we learned?
After a year of living under the dark cloud that is the coronavirus pandemic, we’re still struggling with uncertainty and trying to maintain hope. In spite of increased vaccination rates, the infection rates continue to be high. Being vaccinated does protect us from severe expression of the disease, but not as much against contracting or spreading the disease. This means we still need to be vigilant with safety practices and avoid exposure as much as possible.
After a year of living under the dark cloud that is the coronavirus pandemic, we’re still struggling with uncertainty and trying to maintain hope. In spite of increased vaccination rates, the infection rates continue to be high. Being vaccinated does protect us from severe expression of the disease, but not as much against contracting or spreading the disease. This means we still need to be vigilant with safety practices and avoid exposure as much as possible.
During the past year, most of us have tended to turn inward and develop new ways of living and being. For some, the solitude has been a relief, while others have struggled with isolation. Those of us who found comfort in our seclusion are feeling a bit anxious as society around us starts to reawaken. It feels awkward and rushed, somehow. At the same time, we are all craving the hugs and the face-to-face connections that we have been deprived of.
Many of us have been asking ourselves and each other: What has changed permanently? What have we learned? What will go back to what it was like before? Many have enjoyed the flexibility of working from home, while others feel separated from their coworkers. We have developed new technologies for communicating with others from anywhere in the world, both for work and learning opportunities and personal connection. Some of these technologies may continue to be useful when things return to “normal.”
What has changed at Red Clover Clinic?
For the time being, we continue to uphold the protocols that we implemented at the start of the pandemic. We screen everyone who comes through the door; clean all contact surfaces after every client; schedule slightly longer appointment times, for the most part; and, of course, we require masks.
The thing I have appreciated the most during the past year, is the extra time with my clients. It has allowed room for sharing ideas, venting, mutual support, and problem-solving. In time, we may be able to relax our protocols a bit. The thing I miss the most is having table warmers and sheets on the treatment tables. The paper just seems so cold, loud, and wasteful!
What have we learned at Red Clover Clinic?
I’m grateful for the work of Dr. Frank Springob, the brain behind Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT). At the start of the pandemic, he jumped into gear and developed test kits that have been extremely helpful during this time. I’m starting to see more and more people who are struggling with the after-effects of COVID. I’m grateful to have more MFT tools to assess and treat “long hauler” symptoms. In my limited experience so far, it seems that these tools are effective, but it does take time for the long haulers to fully recover.
Dr. Springob also developed ways of testing the after-effects of the COVID vaccines. These symptoms have been so far much easier to address. One clinical pearl that I have found to be very effective at moderating the intense immune reactions following a COVID vaccination is Echinacea Premium by MediHerb. You may not be able to fully avoid the symptoms, but they should be a lot milder and shorter in duration by taking the herb.
Whether or not you choose to get vaccinated, it is very important to continue to support your immune system, and live as healthfully as possible. A healthy diet, exercise, and good sleep are the most important things we do everyday. Supplements and herbs are a bonus. If you need help developing or tweaking your routine, let me know.
I think it is important that we all give some thought to what we are grateful for and what we want, as individuals and as a society, as we reorganize, reintegrate, and return to the world. We can choose to be mindful, compassionate, and gentle as we move through the process.
Remote Nutrition Testing
Physical distancing, necessary due to the pandemic crisis, has had a huge impact on how we live our daily lives. People are working, learning, and socializing over internet platforms like Zoom and FaceTime. Telehealth is becoming the norm. For a hands-on practitioner, this presents some obvious challenges.
Physical distancing, necessary due to the pandemic crisis, has had a huge impact on how we live our daily lives. People are working, learning, and socializing over internet platforms like Zoom and FaceTime. Telehealth is becoming the norm. For a hands-on practitioner, this presents some obvious challenges.
Actual acupuncture treatment is impossible. Muscle testing, however, is another story. At first I was skeptical about how not having an arm to push on would work, but after attending an online seminar about remote testing with Dr. Frank Springob, the founder of Morphogenic Field Technique, and experimenting over the past couple of weeks, I am pleasantly surprised with how well it works.
I’m pleased to announce, therefore, that while we’re still closed for face-to-face sessions, I will be offering virtual nutrition consultations two or three days per week. Once we reopen, there will also be the possibility of remote sessions for those who are still self-isolating.
How does it work?
The concept of remote testing is based on the Quantum Entanglement Theory , which states:
“Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon whereby a pair of particles are generated in such a way that the individual quantum states of each are indefinite until measured, and the act of measuring one determines the result of measuring the other, even when at a great distance from each other.”
We can apply this theory to two humans who are in different places and who agree to test and be tested (i.e., are entangled). I can then use my energy field and body to hold the space for the client. By reading the weight of my own arm, I can feel the result of the muscle test. I have to admit that I’m truly grateful that I have several years of muscle testing under my belt. This has developed my sensitivity so that I can trust the reading of my own arm.
Nutrition testing during the time of COVID-19
Another benefit of the seminar I attended was obtaining a test vial that helps to identify the presence of viral energy and oxidative stress in a person’s energy field. In his research and testing over the past several weeks, Dr. Springob noticed that COVID-19 seems to create a lot of free radical damage in the body, especially in the lungs. Oxidative stress, a result of free radical damage, is a primary sign of aging. Although everyone is at risk of contracting COVID-19, it is the aged that are most vulnerable. Using this vial helps me to identify the issue of oxidative stress, as well as find the right solution for the individual. It is an important piece of helping people increase their vitality and decrease their oxidative stress, putting them in a stronger position if they are exposed to any virus.
How to schedule a remote session
If you are in need of testing, please email me at If texting or calling works better for you, please call: 651-600-6181. I will be arranging the days based on demand. The testing can be done via FaceTime, Zoom, or telephone. The video option is nice, but not necessary.
If you end up needing supplements after your session, the pickup time will be scheduled at the end of my testing day, so that I can meet you down at the south entrance of the building.
Calming ear massage
As I have written about in past newsletters, the ear contains a map of the whole body. In other words, treating the ear can have an effect on the entire body. The area where the lower portion of the ear meets the cheek has an effect on the vagus nerve, which impacts the parasympathetic nervous system, which rules rest and digestion.
By gently stimulating the vagus reflex area, you can exert a calming effect on your body. This is useful on a regular basis, but especially if you’re feeling stress and anxiety.
Anchor your thumb in the notch behind the lobe of your ear. Place your index finger on the front of your ear at the tragus (the triangular shaped flap extending over the ear canal). With light to moderate pressure, slide your index finger straight downwards to the edge of the ear lobe. Repeat this multiple times, until you feel a sense of relaxation. You should feel your breath slow and deepen, and your shoulders drop gently. Both sides can be treated at once.
Is a scar scrambling your nervous system?
If Humpty Dumpty had been put back together again, he would have had scars. Scars are the byproduct of the body repairing a wound. That’s a good thing, right? Yes, but once the body has healed, scar tissue may present some problems. Scar tissue on the skin’s surface can scramble nerve signals, causing a wide variety of symptoms, including pain and organ dysfunction.
If Humpty Dumpty had been put back together again, he would have had scars. Scars are the byproduct of the body repairing a wound. That’s a good thing, right? Yes, but once the body has healed, scar tissue may present some problems. Scar tissue on the skin’s surface can scramble nerve signals, causing a wide variety of symptoms, including pain and organ dysfunction.
Most of us have visible scars somewhere on the surface of our skin, testaments to past surgeries, stitches, cuts and scrapes, or mole removal. (Scars can occur beneath the skin too, but that’s a subject for another article.) I first learned about the importance of treating scars when I began studying German auricular acupuncture. This article will focus on the repercussions of visible scars and what can be done to alleviate their symptoms.
An introduction to the skin and its dense network of nerves is useful to understand how scars on the skin can cause distress. The network of the skin’s nerves communicate on the surface level, but also coordinates communication with the organs and various structures of the body that lie beneath it. The brain and nerve plexuses throughout the body coordinate all this communication via nerve impulses, which are basically exchanges of energy. When the skin is cut, the nerve communication is broken. As the wound heals, the communication can begin again, but may be impeded by the scar tissue, which isn’t quite as good as new.
Scars have the potential to interrupt and absorb the energy of nerve impulses, rather than allowing them to flow freely. The stored energy in the cells of scar tissue was actually measured by German neurophysiologist Albert Fleckenstein to be equal to that of a 1.5 volt battery! Not all scars become “active,” in this way, but many do. Interestingly, they may not become active until many years after the initial injury or surgery. This activity seems to be spurred by periods of stress on the body, including illness, poor nutrition, emotional stress, pregnancy, etc. If a scar becomes active, it will eventually begin to randomly discharge energy out of sequence with the normal functioning of the body, causing the nervous system to become scrambled, either a little or a lot.
When these random energy discharges happen, any organ system can be affected. For example, it is not uncommon for a woman who has given birth to have a scar (C-section, episiotomy or tearing) that causes interference in the normal functioning of the body, most notably in the thyroid gland. Scars can be the cause of or contribute to unexplained pain, digestive upset, anxiety, hormone imbalance, headaches and migraines, as well as any stubborn condition that won’t improve.
When scanning the ears using German auricular acupuncture, it is possible to pick up the energetic interference from scars. In this system, the practitioner can treat the scars both on the ears and the scar itself. The most effective way to treat the scar itself is with low-level laser treatment. By monitoring the pulse while running the laser light across the scar, I can feel which areas are active, and when the energy has been cleared. Scars typically require a few treatments to become deactivated, but results vary depending on the scar. Some clear after one treatment, and some require many treatments.
A muscle testing technique I have recently begun using, Nutrition Response Testing (NRT), is also useful in testing for scar interference, among its numerous other attributes. (Read more below.) By using this method, it is very easy to see if there is a scar causing nervous system interference or organ stress, and which scar it is. It also offers easy monitoring of progress in the treatment of each scar. Treatment using Nutrition Response Testing is the same as described above, with the addition of massaging the scar with wheat germ oil between laser treatments to enhance the effect.
I’m thrilled to be able to combine both German auricular acupuncture and Nutrition Response Testing to find and clear active scars in order to unscramble my clients’ nervous systems, allowing their bodies to function properly and heal themselves. If you’re feeling a bit like Humpty Dumpty who has been glued back together, I invite you to come in for an assessment, and see if a scar is affecting your health and well-being.
Nutrition Response Testing
I recently began to use Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) at Red Clover Clinic, a very effective way to assess and treat the outcome of the undernourishment and highly stressful lives that are so much a part of modern society.
Most of us are exposed to many toxic chemicals, heavy metals, GMO and processed foods, plastics, and other factors that interfere with the proper functioning of our bodies. And, despite the fact that we are “over-nourished” with junk food and foods lacking dense nutrition, we are malnourished when it comes to the basic nutritional building blocks we need to nourish and repair our bodies. Not a pretty picture!
The NRT assessment begins with a couple of neurological muscle tests to see if the nervous system is blocking healing in any way. The practitioner then assesses each of the major organs using a muscle testing technique, looking for signs of stress. Once this information is collected, the priority organ is determined, so that the rest of the assessment and the treatment will be highly precise.
Next, we must determine if there is anything causing stress to the organ. The stress could be caused by food sensitivities, immune challenges, chemical or heavy metal toxicity, or scars (see above). If there is a stressor, it must first be addressed, followed by the addition of any specific organ support. Treatment of the stressors and the organ support consists of specifically chosen whole-food supplements, primarily from Standard Process.
It’s really amazing what can happen when the body is given the precise nutrition it has been lacking. When it is well-nourished, the body can heal itself! Feel free to contact me if you’re curious about what Nutrition Response Testing can do for you, or ask me about it at your next visit.