What has changed? What have we learned?
After a year of living under the dark cloud that is the coronavirus pandemic, we’re still struggling with uncertainty and trying to maintain hope. In spite of increased vaccination rates, the infection rates continue to be high. Being vaccinated does protect us from severe expression of the disease, but not as much against contracting or spreading the disease. This means we still need to be vigilant with safety practices and avoid exposure as much as possible.
During the past year, most of us have tended to turn inward and develop new ways of living and being. For some, the solitude has been a relief, while others have struggled with isolation. Those of us who found comfort in our seclusion are feeling a bit anxious as society around us starts to reawaken. It feels awkward and rushed, somehow. At the same time, we are all craving the hugs and the face-to-face connections that we have been deprived of.
Many of us have been asking ourselves and each other: What has changed permanently? What have we learned? What will go back to what it was like before? Many have enjoyed the flexibility of working from home, while others feel separated from their coworkers. We have developed new technologies for communicating with others from anywhere in the world, both for work and learning opportunities and personal connection. Some of these technologies may continue to be useful when things return to “normal.”
What has changed at Red Clover Clinic?
For the time being, we continue to uphold the protocols that we implemented at the start of the pandemic. We screen everyone who comes through the door; clean all contact surfaces after every client; schedule slightly longer appointment times, for the most part; and, of course, we require masks.
The thing I have appreciated the most during the past year, is the extra time with my clients. It has allowed room for sharing ideas, venting, mutual support, and problem-solving. In time, we may be able to relax our protocols a bit. The thing I miss the most is having table warmers and sheets on the treatment tables. The paper just seems so cold, loud, and wasteful!
What have we learned at Red Clover Clinic?
I’m grateful for the work of Dr. Frank Springob, the brain behind Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT). At the start of the pandemic, he jumped into gear and developed test kits that have been extremely helpful during this time. I’m starting to see more and more people who are struggling with the after-effects of COVID. I’m grateful to have more MFT tools to assess and treat “long hauler” symptoms. In my limited experience so far, it seems that these tools are effective, but it does take time for the long haulers to fully recover.
Dr. Springob also developed ways of testing the after-effects of the COVID vaccines. These symptoms have been so far much easier to address. One clinical pearl that I have found to be very effective at moderating the intense immune reactions following a COVID vaccination is Echinacea Premium by MediHerb. You may not be able to fully avoid the symptoms, but they should be a lot milder and shorter in duration by taking the herb.
Whether or not you choose to get vaccinated, it is very important to continue to support your immune system, and live as healthfully as possible. A healthy diet, exercise, and good sleep are the most important things we do everyday. Supplements and herbs are a bonus. If you need help developing or tweaking your routine, let me know.
I think it is important that we all give some thought to what we are grateful for and what we want, as individuals and as a society, as we reorganize, reintegrate, and return to the world. We can choose to be mindful, compassionate, and gentle as we move through the process.