Healing is a process that takes time. At Red Clover Clinic most patients require an initial consultation followed by a set course of treatment that combines acupuncture, auricular medicine, Nutrition Response Testing/Morphogenic Field Technique and complementary therapies. Affordable visits make it easy to complete your entire treatment for a specific condition, or come in as needed for follow-up treatments or health maintenance.
Getting Started
Initial Consultation & Treatment
120 minutes $175
Required for all new clients
During the initial session, we will do a comprehensive consultation and exam, go over our findings with you and make recommendations for your care, as well as get started with your treatment.
Acupuncture & Nutrition…experience the best of both worlds!
Needles & Nutrition 70 minutes – Acupuncture & Nutrition Response Testing Session
Single session $130 – Save $27 by combining your acupuncture and nutrition appointments!
Package of 10 sessions $1170 – Combine, Prepay and Save $400
Nutritional supplements $100-200/month
Acupuncture and complementary therapies - German auricular medicine, S.A.A.T., low level laser therapy, botanical medicine, & bodywork
Needles Only 50 minutes – Acupuncture session
Single session $95
Package of 10 sessions $855 – Save $95
S.A.A.T. Follow-up 60 minutes – Soliman Auricular Allergy Technique Follow-up $130
Mix & Match
These sessions are especially effective for complex musculoskeletal conditions, complicated cases, cases that require more consultation or treatment time, as well as any case that requires the synergistic combination of acupuncture, bodywork, and low level laser therapy.
Mix & Match 80 minutes – Acupuncture plus other therapies
Single session $140
Package of 10 sessions $1260 – Save $140
Nutrition Response Testing/Morphogenic Field Technique
Follow-up Nutrition Response TestingSM/Morphogenic Field Technique Session 20 minutes
Single session $62
Package of 10 sessions $558 – Save $62
Nutritional supplements $100-200/month
Bodywork with Roberta
30-minute Bodywork Session
Single session $50 + tax
45-minute Bodywork Session
Single session $75 + tax
60-minute Bodywork Session
Single Session $100 + tax
Package of 10 Sessions $900 + tax – Save $100
75-minute Bodywork Session
Single session $125 + tax
90-minute Bodywork Session
Single session $150 + tax
Package of 10 Sessions $1350 + tax – Save $150
Physical Therapy with Marie
Initial Evaluation & Treatment
60 minutes $125
Follow-up Physical Therapy Treatment
55 minutes $125
Appointments with Marie can be booked through Red Clover Clinic, but all payments will be made to her directly at the time of the appointment. Marie is not a health insurance provider, but physical therapy services can be paid for or reimbursed by Health Savings Accounts and medical Flexible Savings Accounts.
If you need to get in touch with Marie to cancel, reschedule, or for any other reason, please contact her directly at: or 651-300-0769.
Payment Questions?
Acupuncture services can be paid for or reimbursed by Health Savings Accounts and medical Flexible Savings Accounts.
Red Clover Clinic is not a health insurance provider, but can furnish a superbill/receipt of payment that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Call your insurance company first to find out about any acupuncture benefits you may have.
Red Clover Clinic does accept personal injury insurance for auto accidents. A referral for acupuncture and/or bodywork from a medical doctor or a chiropractor is helpful to ensure coverage.