About Us
Red Clover Clinic is a complementary medical clinic in Roseville, MN. It is known for its unique approach to treating and healing chronic and painful conditions in a comfortable, nurturing environment. By using specialized, powerful modalities, such as auricular medicine and Nutrition Response Testing/Morphogenic Field Technique to identify root causes and eliminate roadblocks to healing, clients experience lasting relief and improvement in their overall health. When you’re struggling with a difficult health issue, Red Clover Clinic is committed to you and your healing process.
Red Clover Clinic was established by Anita Teigen, L.Ac. in 2008 and named after the lovely plant Trifolium pratense.
“I have had a fondness for red clover since I was a child. I’m pretty sure that along with picking dandelions, red clover was one of my first live herb interactions. I remember running through the pasture on my grandparents’ farm, picking red clovers and plucking out the individual petals to suck out their sweet nectar. I have always thought that red clovers have a joyful, playful energy, so what better name for my clinic?”