Morphogenic Field Technique- The Brain Unwind Procedure
I’ve had arthritic big toes for years. The right one, in particular, has been very painful and I have had to be very careful about what shoes I wear. In the past year or two, the left one has worsened, and the combination was making it very painful to walk with any speed.
In the last issue of the Red Clover Clinic Newsletter I introduced the Morphogenic Field Technique Emotional Unwind Procedure. In this issue I would like to present the Brain Unwind Procedure. Both the Emotional Unwind Procedure and the Brain Unwind Procedure trigger the body’s ability to self-correct and heal. They give the body/mind a chance to reset.
Both methods have the word “unwind” in common. For those of us who have either been trained in bodywork, or are frequent receivers of bodywork, the concept of unwinding is familiar on an experiential level. I imagine it is a rather foreign concept to those who haven’t experienced it.
The concept of unwinding originated in osteopathy, and is now frequently used in reference to myofascial work such as craniosacral therapy and myofascial release. I found an interesting paper called Understanding the Process of Fascial Unwinding, by Budiman Minasny, PhD, that describes unwinding:
Therapists use touch to initiate fascial unwinding. The client responds to the touch, Misasny writes, with “spontaneous bending, rotating, and twisting of the upper or lower limbs or the whole body in either a rhythmic or a chaotic pattern. This response can be thought of as a spontaneous expression of movement. The phenomenon of unwinding, in which parts of the body move spontaneously and involuntarily, can appear mystical, and yet its therapeutic effects are known both anecdotally and clinically.”
The results of unwinding are “based on the simple principle of the body’s ability for self-correction from mechanical disturbances,” Minasny continues. “Unwinding occurs because tissues hold memories of trauma and the unwinding process allows the body to adjust to a new position of ease.” Franklyn Sills, an early pioneer of craniosacral therapy, stated that “the motions often signal the letting go of frozen stress responses and unresolved trauma.”
With the Emotional Unwind Procedure and the Brain Unwind Procedure, the concept of unwinding is related to, and expands upon, the concepts described above. Both of these procedures employ the use of bio-resonators (see last issue of the newsletter) to induce the unwinding.
The Emotional Unwind Procedure focuses on the emotional aspect of unresolved stress and trauma being trapped in the body. The bio-resonators helps to unwind the trapped emotions from the affected organs. Typically the body doesn’t need to move to release the emotions.
The Brain Unwind Procedure focuses on both postural distortions and neurological imbalances. A kit that contains vials with the energies of 60 different parts of the brain is used to identify neurological imbalances. The bio-resonators are held on the head, to induce the unwinding procedure. The body will begin to sway and move in different directions, mimicking myofascial unwinding described above. The unwinding can last several minutes.
Following the procedure, the postural imbalances should be improved, and the neurological imbalances resolved. The primary change I have noticed in my clients is that the nervous system becomes more stable and the person feels more grounded and is able to respond to stimuli with ease and flexibility. The Brain Unwind Procedure is especially useful to treat people who have experienced a traumatic brain injury.
If you’re craving a reset, maybe one of the Morphogenic Field Technique methods will be right for you.