Make daily movement a part of your routine
Modern life is so sedentary. If you have body pain or stiffness, fatigue, headaches, low mood or mood swings, think about incorporating more movement into your routine.
Modern life is so sedentary. If you have body pain or stiffness, fatigue, headaches, low mood or mood swings, think about incorporating more movement into your routine.
It’s easy to get complacent about movement practices. Ever since a friend strongly encouraged me to start walking many years ago, my outdoor walks have become almost non-negotiable. It turns out cold winter days are my favorite…with the appropriate gear, of course! I really notice a difference in my mood, my energy, and my sleep when I get at least three hour-long walks per week into my schedule.
Several years ago, I made an appointment with Michelle Mariska of Healing Motion Therapy because I was dealing with rib and low back pain. She practices the Egoscue Method, which heals pain by correcting posture through specific stretching and strengthening exercises. I was amazed how happy I was to make space in my day to do these exercises because I felt so much better afterwards. My posture and my strength improved greatly. I highly recommend working with Michelle if you have chronic musculoskeletal pain. She works both in person and remotely.
Over the past couple of years, I have continued to do a blend of exercises that Michelle prescribed to me, as well as some yoga poses every morning. Doing these activities helps to keep me out of pain when I’m standing all day at work.
A couple of months ago, I was having a conversation with a friend, and she brought up that she had started doing daily yoga by following Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. I especially loved that my friend said, laughing, “Some days I wonder how Adriene knew just what I needed!”
I had heard of Yoga with Adriene so many times, but had never checked it out. I decided it was finally time, and I have been doing yoga every day since. Some days I do a 10-minute session and other days I do a 30-minute session. The more I do, the more I want to do. I have noticed a big change in my core strength and flexibility, not to mention my calmness. I love that Adriene offers a wide variety of routines, from gentle and meditative to more strenuous and flowing. She also has playlists divided by type and duration. I have saved my favorite videos in my own playlist, which makes it easier to select the best routine for the day.
I highly recommend finding a movement practice that you can easily fit into your life. It’s especially convenient to have things that you can do at home on a regular basis. So many people who were going to a gym regularly before the pandemic lost their routine during the lockdown. Thankfully, we have resources on the internet and practitioners working over Zoom to help us feel better and establish a healthy routine.
Are you suffering from pandemic fatigue?
Back in January, I wrote an article called Why do we get sick? At the time, we were experiencing a bad flu season, but I had no idea that we were about to enter into a worldwide pandemic. I thought it might be useful to revisit the reasons we do or do not get sick as we approach the fall, another flu season, and a possible worsening of COVID-19 spread.
Back in January, I wrote an article called Why do we get sick? At the time, we were experiencing a bad flu season, but I had no idea that we were about to enter into a worldwide pandemic. I thought it might be useful to revisit the reasons we do or do not get sick as we approach the fall, another flu season, and a possible worsening of COVID-19 spread.
No matter what type of contagion we are trying to avoid, those who are healthiest avoid getting sick or get milder cases of illness. They also recover faster and more completely. Of course, there are always exceptions. What has been frightening during this pandemic is that there have been a handful of cases of young, strong and seemingly healthy people dying as a result of COVID-19. They may be young and appear healthy, but it is important to remember that we do not know their complete health histories. They may have an unhealthy diet or poor lifestyle habits that haven’t yet manifested in obvious ways. Or, they may simply be the unfortunate exception.
There is so much we don’t know about this virus, and in spite of pandemic-fatigue, we have to persevere and exercise caution with how we go about our daily lives. We must continue physical distancing, wash our hands frequently, and wear a mask when we’re in indoor public spaces. Even more importantly, in my opinion, we have to take good care of ourselves. The more we implement and maintain healthy habits, the more likely we will stay healthy, or at least healthier.
It is important to eat a varied, fresh and healthy diet. Avoid sugar and processed foods. Avoid environmental toxins as much as possible. Get regular exercise. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Stay in touch with friends and family, if not in person, then via Zoom or phone calls. Finally, manage stress as much as possible.
Now that natural healthcare clinics have the appropriate safety measures in place, it is also helpful to get regular care to manage stress, boost the immune system and balance the body. Nutritional support, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, etc. are all effective at supporting health and preventing disease.
This isn’t a time to stick our heads in the sand, or to binge eat while binge watching Netflix. We need to stay engaged and make our physical and mental health a priority. If you are in need of some support, feel free to give us a call.