
Allergies, Trauma, Electro-acupuncture Anita Teigen Allergies, Trauma, Electro-acupuncture Anita Teigen

A year in review and what’s to come in 2025…

This year has been packed with a lot of education for me and new treatment options for you. I always enjoy learning and finding more healing solutions to add to my toolbox. The three new additions I learned about this past year are the Soliman Auricular Allergy Technique (SAAT), Electro-Acupuncture Medicine, and Auricular Trauma Release.

This year has been packed with a lot of education for me and new treatment options for you. I always enjoy learning and finding more healing solutions to add to my toolbox. The three new additions I learned about this past year are the Soliman Auricular Allergy Technique (SAAT), Electro-Acupuncture Medicine, and Auricular Trauma Release. If you have been keeping up with the newsletters you will have heard of, and maybe experienced, the first two. And, there is something new in the works that you will learn more about in the next issue of the newsletter, in early March: Auricular Medicine, which is briefly described below. 

Soliman Auricular Allergy Technique

I have now practiced SAAT for a little over a year. I have been thrilled at how effectively this method can treat allergies. I find that people who have intense symptoms caused by only a few substances have the fastest, most amazing results. People who have a high allergic load, i.e., they are allergic to many different things, tend to take more time and more sessions, but can also get good relief. The treatment consists of tiny, intra-dermal needles retained in the ear for three to four weeks. 

This method works great for treating Alpha Gal Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Both of these syndromes are very disruptive to daily life, and it is a true joy to be able to help people get their lives back. 

You can jump to past issues to learn more about SAAT, Alpha Gal Syndrome  and MCAS.

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine has been a great addition to my practice and my personal life. I find that it is very effective at treating pain, stress, anxiety, and low energy. Having better energy also means your cells and organs are working better, which means better overall health and vitality. I’ve had a lifelong struggle with low energy and have been relieved to move through my days more easily and with more enjoyment since adding this method to my healthcare regimen.

One way to get the benefit of this treatment at home is with the Blood Electrification Treatment. Red Clover Clinic stocks a small piece of equipment that allows you to treat yourself daily. Regular use really boosts energy, cellular function, the immune system, circulation, detoxification, and reduces stress hormones. 

See these past issues to learn more about Electro-Acupuncture Medicine and Blood Electrification Treatment.

Auricular Trauma Release

During the fall, I attended two Auricular Trauma Release (ATR) seminars offered by the Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine, the organization from which I have received all of my German auricular medicine training. In 2020, I attended their training on treating traumas of the soul, which is effective, but a more complicated approach to treating trauma. Since then, Dave Maybee, the primary instructor, has developed a more accessible, straightforward approach that is easily integrated into regular auricular treatments. 

ATR consists of efficient ways to calm the body and promote healing from trauma by applying the concepts of Polyvagal Theory. Polyvagal Theory focuses on how the autonomic nervous system regulates our health and behavior. This understanding helps guide the practitioner on which auricular points to check for  electrical activity. Only active points are treated, making each treatment very client-specific. 

What’s to come?

In October, I returned to Rockville, MD, for more training from Dr. Soliman, from whom I learned the SAAT protocol. This seminar was focused on learning his method of Auricular Medicine (AM). This method uses the body’s electromagnetic field to assess the body’s state of health and determine what underlying factors are causing illness. The treatment is focused primarily on taking a series of bioenergetic remedies and auricular (ear) acupuncture. AM focuses on detoxifying the organs at the cellular level and stabilizing the immune system, which allows the body to restore normal function and heal itself. 

AM is particularly effective at addressing chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, pain, psycho-emotional disorders, chronic Lyme disease, MCAS, allergies, and more. I hope this got your attention and that you’ll be interested to learn more in the next newsletter.

All of us at Red Clover Clinic appreciate you, our clients, and wish you a healthy and happy 2025. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Marie's Body of Knowledge

Winter's short and cold days are upon us. During spring, summer, and fall it seems easier to stay active and get up and get moving. In the winter, it seems easier to curl up, stay warm, and hibernate—patiently or impatiently.

Even during winter’s short, cold days, it is important to stay active and keep moving. Some people head off to use their health club membership that has been dormant for months. Others can’t bear to go out and face the snow, ice, cold temperatures, and darkness.

The human body craves movement for overall health and wellbeing. Movement helps improve blood flow to all parts of the body especially the heart, brain, lungs, joints, and muscles. It helps stimulate and improve digestion, overall energy, and mood.

It is possible to accomplish healthy benefits without leaving the house just by moving through “many small moments” throughout the day. If you’ve been sitting for an hour, it’s time to get up and get moving. Sitting has been dubbed the new smoking due to the negative effects on the body.

In taking the opportunity to capitalize on “many small moments,“ choose a different activity every hour and move for a few minutes. Walk up and down the stairs a few times. Sit to stand from the chair 10 times. Stand and do giant arm circles and snow angels with your arms. Walk up and down all the hallways for a few minutes. Stand and march in place. Have a dance party for a few minutes. Do wall or floor push ups. Do ten minutes of yoga on a free yoga app. Or, simply knock out a load of laundry, unload the dishwasher, or vacuum.

If “many small moments” feels unattainable due to aches and pains or you experience joint or muscle pain performing activity, seek the help of a physical therapist to get moving comfortably. The next thing you know it will be spring and your body will be ready to roll for outdoor activities!

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How to supercharge your blood

In the previous issue of the Red Clover Clinic Newsletter, I presented the benefits of electro-acupuncture medicine. I discussed how adding electricity to treatments can increase blood flow, stimulate the production of new cells, support toxin elimination, improve immune function, calm inflammation, and reduce stress.

The benefits of blood electrification treatment

In the previous issue of the Red Clover Clinic Newsletter, I presented the benefits of electro-acupuncture medicine. I discussed how adding electricity to treatments can increase blood flow, stimulate the production of new cells, support toxin elimination, improve immune function, calm inflammation, and reduce stress. In this article I would like to talk about how targeting the blood with electricity is like a supercharge to your body. 

Understanding terrain theory

Back in January 2020, I wrote an article discussing the differences between terrain theory and germ theory, titled Why do we get sick? Looking back, my timing was uncanny! The basic premise of terrain theory is that we don’t get sick because germs are present; rather, germs can thrive because our bodies are weakened, stressed, and malnourished. From an electro-medicine standpoint, the body gets sick because it is low voltage, i.e., it has an electron deficiency.

The field of epigenetics has also grown out of this concept of terrain theory. Epigenetics is the study of how environment and lifestyle turn our genes on and off, affecting our health more than the genes themselves. This five-minute video by cell biologist Bruce Lipton illustrates how he came to the understanding that “less than 1% of illness is connected to genes, and over 90% of illness is connected to how you respond to the environment.” Toward the end of the video he makes a connection even more relevant to this article: “Consider the conditions of the culture medium, and in the human body, that’s blood.” 

How to get electricity into the blood and what does it do?

The mechanism of getting electricity into the blood is a lot simpler and less painful than it sounds. First, we need to understand that the fibrous covering of blood vessels is the third-most conductive tissue in the body. Second, we need to select a location on the body where the arteries lie close to the surface. The radial and ulnar arteries run just under the skin at the palm side of the wrist, where you would feel your pulse. In the office, I slide an acupuncture needle next to the artery. Another option is to use a TENS pad (see image below) over the pulse points. Of course, the needle or TENS pad needs to be connected to a device that emits the proper type of current. You can read more about that in my previous article. 

The benefits of doing this treatment include improving circulation; decreasing inflammation; strengthening the immune system by inhibiting viral, bacterial and fungal load in the blood; increasing body voltage and overall energy; promoting detoxification; and stimulating the production of new blood cells. A simple way to think about this is that electrons are an antioxidant and have a healing systemic effect on the body. As I already stated, this treatment supercharges the body by correcting the terrain.

A video showing the effects of adding electrons into the blood

In this eight-minute video, Dr. Jeremy Steiner, with whom I have been studying, shows the effects of the blood electrification treatment on blood cells, using dark field microscopy.  

How to get the most benefit from the blood electrification treatment

It is best to begin doing this treatment for 15 minutes and see how you feel. If you aren’t suffering from detoxification symptoms (headache, fatigue, aching joints, nerves on fire, skin itching, etc.), you can increase the time by another 15 minutes. Proceed in this manner until you are up to one to two hours a day. After four months, you can typically reduce usage to one to two times a week.

I frequently use this treatment with my clients when they are in the office for an acupuncture treatment. Each treatment will have a healing effect on the immune system, even if it can't yet be measured or noticed. If you are interested in ramping up the treatment and doing it daily, because you want to feel better, have a chronic condition, and/or are struggling with immune issues, there is an affordable unit that you can purchase from our office to do this at home. It is designed in such a way that you can wear it on your body and go about your day  without it being too cumbersome. 


There are a few cautions to be aware of with this treatment. It should not be used by individuals with an implanted device, such as a pacemaker or defibrillator, or in pregnancy, without talking to their doctor. As the body heals and absorption increases, you may need to talk with your doctor if you need a dosage adjustment of a prescription medication. Finally, it should not be used near water, when driving a car, or when operating heavy equipment.

If you are curious about how to incorporate this treatment into your health program, please ask me about it at your next visit. It is quite empowering to have a tool that helps you to change the terrain of your body beyond changing your diet and increasing your exercise. It has been a game-changer for me personally. I have struggled with chemical sensitivity and fatigue for years, in spite of very healthy lifestyle habits. This self-treatment protocol is giving me my energy back and has reduced systemic inflammation. As Bruce Lipton said in the video:  “Change how you respond to the environment, and you change the characteristics of your life.“

Marie's body of knowledge

Are you looking for more distance out of your golf swing and reducing back pain and stiffness during or following your round of golf? Areas that commonly restrict a good backswing and follow-through are stiffness in the thoracic spine and rib cage, tight hip flexors, and decreased lumbar and pelvic rotation. Thoracic and rib cage stiffness and reduced rotation also over-stress the neck and result in neck and shoulder pain. 

A comprehensive physical therapy assessment of pelvic symmetry, spine mobility, and muscle flexibility, particularly of the hip flexors, could prove to be the ticket! Addressing limitations with myofascial release, flexibility exercises, and targeted strengthening of weak muscles may help reduce pain and get more yards off the tee and fairway. Also performing 5-10 minutes of trunk rotation and shoulder stretching exercises with a golf club, prior to teeing it up on the 1st tee, helps to loosen up the joints and muscles and improves the sense of achievement that goes along with striking the perfect golf shot.

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Electro-acupuncture medicine

I’ve used electric stimulation in my practice to some degree for many years. Applying an electrical current helps strengthen muscles, block pain signals, and improve blood circulation. In late summer 2023, I took my first training with Dr. Jeremy Steiner of the Electro-Acupuncture Institute and followed up with additional training. Dr. Steiner's approach is different and far more comprehensive than other electric stimulation techniques I've used, and thus is called electro-acupuncture medicine.

I’ve used electric stimulation in my practice to some degree for many years. Applying an electrical current helps strengthen muscles, block pain signals, and improve blood circulation. In late summer 2023, I took my first training with Dr. Jeremy Steiner of the Electro-Acupuncture Institute and followed up with additional training. Dr. Steiner's approach is different and far more comprehensive than other electric stimulation techniques I've used, and thus is called electro-acupuncture medicine. I've incorporated it more and more in the clinic and have observed that outcomes are significantly improved. 

Why add electricity to an acupuncture treatment

Electro-acupuncture works by adding energy to specific acupuncture channels to improve energy flow throughout the body. Adding electricity to an acupuncture treatment will enhance or add to the treatment effects. Electro-acupuncture can:

  • Stimulate more efficient production of new cells

  • Offer pain relief and calm inflammation

  • Remove toxins from the body

  • Increase blood flow

  • Reduce stress hormones

  • Improve immune function

Our cells are damaged by injuries, toxins, infections, and more. The body needs to create new cells to repair the damage. Voltage is the driving force behind cellular function and is regulated by various factors, including thyroid hormone, dental infections, and exercise. Chronic disease is often associated with low body voltage—meaning, the body can’t keep up with cellular renewal. The body is designed to function at -25 mV, and requires -50 mV to generate new cells. Since our body is in a constant state of cellular renewal, higher voltage is the key to maintaining and improving health.

The devices 

In the past, I used run-of-the-mill electric stimulation devices, which are high amperage (volume of electricity) and low voltage (electrical potential). These worked well to either relax a muscle that was too tight, or stimulate a muscle that was too weak. Unfortunately, the treatment with these devices can be uncomfortable. To be effective, it is typical to use strong stimulation, causing the muscles to spasm. 

The new devices that I use are high voltage and low amperage; in other words, the opposite. This decreases discomfort because only mild stimulation is necessary. The electricity produced is also more congruent with the body’s electricity, improving the healing outcomes. These devices also have particular frequencies programmed in them that can be selected to match the condition and treatment. The protocol uses two devices simultaneously, each programmed with a different frequency. This creates a blanketing effect of frequencies, allowing the body to choose the frequency it needs to enhance the healing process and discard those it doesn't need. 

The bottom line is that the proper voltage, amperage, and frequencies are required so that the electricity can reach the energy-deficient and damaged tissue and support cellular regeneration and repair.

The outcomes

I have seen many positive responses to electro-acupuncture treatments. In some cases, I simply added electricity to my usual treatments, and in others, I chose to follow a four-point protocol with electricity. Both have been very effective. I have seen improved relief of pain, increased energy and well-being, decreased anxiety, improved sleep, and in cases of diabetic neuropathy, I’m beginning to see increased sensation. As I continue to implement these treatments, I hope to see even more improvements, especially in chronic, hard-to-treat conditions. 

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