Fend off the flu! 13 tips for 2013
The flu seems to be quite virulent this year. According to the latest statistics, this is considered to be the worst outbreak in a decade, with many flu-associated deaths. What can you do to protect yourself? Whether you are a proponent of the flu shot or not, the following tips will help to keep your immune system strong in 2013.
The flu seems to be quite virulent this year. According to the latest statistics, this is considered to be the worst outbreak in a decade, with many flu-associated deaths. What can you do to protect yourself? Whether you are a proponent of the flu shot or not, the following tips will help to keep your immune system strong in 2013.
First…the everyday basics:
1. Wash your hands frequently.
2. Get 8-9 hours of sleep per night.
3. Get frequent, moderate exercise.
4. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of clear water per day.
5. Limit sugar intake.
6. Limit alcohol intake
7. Avoid processed foods and focus on eating nutrient-dense foods (organic vegetables, nuts and seeds, organic hormone-free meats and eggs, fermented vegetables, etc.)
Second…the important additions:
8. Be sure you’re well nourished. To accomplish this, consider taking Catalyn from Standard Process. It supports general nutrition by way of a whole food supplement.
9. Be sure your vitamin D levels are in the optimal range. You can request a blood test next time you visit your doctor. It’s a safe bet to take 4000-5000 IUs per day, especially during the fall, winter and spring. I like to take Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion in sesame oil, and have it available for purchase.
10. Take a good quality probiotic. Freshness is important. Buy from a store with good turnover. I prefer brands sold in natural foods stores/coops over those sold in big box stores. Standard Process makes a great product called Prosynbiotic.
11. Take Elderberry tincture or syrup both as a preventative and a treatment for the flu (see below). This is great for kids, because it tastes great!
12. Protect yourself from airborne bacteria and viruses by inhaling antimicrobial essential oils regularly (tea tree, eucalyptus, niaouli, nerolina, to name a few). My recommendation is to either diffuse Niaouli Melablend or use a Breathe inhaler (see below), both from Plant Extracts, International.
13. And, last but not least, GET REGULAR ACUPUNCTURE! Studies have shown that acupuncture promotes the production of T cells in the body, which help to ward off harmful bacteria and viruses. (Neuroscience Letters, 2010)
Many studies have proven the effectiveness of Elderberry to prevent and treat the flu. One is listed in this article . Elderberry grows throughout our area, and is found in many city parks. Next summer consider collecting some and making a delicious syrup out of it! If you need Elderberry’s healing properties now, I have the tincture available.
Breathe inhalers are handy little things to carry in your pocket. Any time you’re exposed to sickness, unscrew the top and inhale deeply to fight off bacteria or viruses that are on the attack. You can also inhale through your mouth to be sure your whole respiratory track is protected. Red Clover Clinic stocks inhalers from Plant Extracts International.
Standard Process whole food supplements
I have personally enjoyed the benefits of Standard Process whole foods supplements and introduced them into my practice in October. I’d like to share with you what I learned about these useful supplements during an educational weekend touring their impressive facility in Palmyra, WI.
The company
Standard Process is the first and oldest whole food supplement company in the United States, started by Royal Lee in 1929. Their products have been sold through health professionals since that time. They grow as many of their raw materials as possible on their 1,000 acres of organically certified land. This nutrient-rich soil is tested, along with incoming raw materials and the final product, at every stage of production in an in-house quality-control lab.
Whole food supplements
The best way to nourish your body is by eating a diet rich in whole foods. Unfortunately, most of us fall short when it comes to getting the variety and quality of food we need, not to mention the fact that many vegetables are being grown in soils that have been stripped of many necessary nutrients by conventional farming methods. If you are taking any prescription and/or non-prescription drugs, you may be losing nutrients as well. This is where supplementation comes in, but not all supplements are created equal.
Most supplements on the market are made up of synthetic vitamins and minerals. A synthetic vitamin is an isolated chemical that has been identified as the active constituent of a vitamin complex molecule. This is the pharmaceutical version of nutrition. Studies have shown that the body better absorbs nutrients when taking them by a vitamin in its whole food form, rather than in isolation.
By combining concentrated whole foods, Standard Process is able to create supplements that go above and beyond the synthetic variety. Whole food nutrition includes the following important components: (1) synergistic nutrients, (2) glandular support, and (3) phytonutrients.
As mentioned above, single vitamins taken out of a whole food may not be as effective in promoting health as eating the food itself. Each food has its nutrients and synergistic cofactors that provide you with the most effective, well-balanced nutritional supplement.
Animal glandular tissues provide nutrients to stimulate the corresponding tissues in humans, enhancing natural cell and tissue repair. This particularly appeals to my Chinese medicine background, since it is common practice to recommend eating the part of an animal that is weak in your own body. In the modern Western world, we have practically stopped eating organ meats, and have thereby lost a lot of nutrition and healing potential.
Phytonutrients are nutrients found in plants that are necessary to maintain health. They have many purposes, including supporting the immune system, supporting cellular communication, acting as antioxidants, etc.
Standard Process makes over 175 supplement products to both support general health and to treat particular disorders and deficiencies. In most cases, it is recommended that the supplements be taken with each meal since your body absorbs supplements best when all its digestive functions are active.
Red Clover Clinic has many Standard Process products in stock. If you are interested in learning more about general nutrition or treating a particular complaint, please feel free to contact me!