I recently returned from another German auricular acupuncture training in Ottawa, Ontario. (Maman, the giant spider pictured to the left, created by sculptor Louise Bourgeois,  is one of many signature images of Ottawa.) 

The training was called “Clearing Blockages to Healing,” a simple name with profound meaning. I knew the new information would allow my auricular acupuncture assessments and treatments to work on an even deeper level than before, but I was, once again, truly blown away by the healing potential of this modality. 

As discussed in a previous newsletter, one of the primary features that distinguishes German auricular acupuncture from other types of auricular acupuncture is focus therapy. A “focus” is a stubborn and hidden blockage to healing, due to a body/brain memory of a particular stress or trauma or from a physical/emotional wound that is concealed within the body. The body becomes consumed with healing these blockages and it can’t attend to healing other day-to-day issues. The person who has such a blockage will experience chronic conditions possibly without experiencing obvious injury or illness. Even perceivable, diagnosable conditions can be ameliorated by focus therapy, by lessening the stress load on the body.

The new protocol I use to find, prioritize, and treat focus activity takes great concentration on my part and is somewhat time-consuming. Ultimately, it is truly worth the extra time and energy. Already some of my clients have noticed a difference!Red Clover Clinic adds low-level laser therapy—no-needles, no pain

Let there be “laser” light!

Red Clover Clinic adds low-level laser therapy—no-needles, no pain

Another big announcement for my auricular practice is the addition of the RJ LaserPen.  With the LaserPen, I can give an auricular treatment with absolutely no pain or discomfort, and I can add healing bio-frequencies (electrical frequencies that resonate with particular tissues in the body), particular to the issues that I am treating. 

This is great news for anyone who is needle-phobic, children, and anyone who finds the heftier German needles to be a little uncomfortable! The LaserPen offers an auricular treatment that is at least as effective as a needle treatment. I’m sure this will come as a great relief to many of you! And, in addition to the LaserPen, I also have two other wonderful laser tools described below.

I  think we’re all a bit starved of light in this slow-to-emerge spring. We know that spring will come eventually, but in the meantime, we can turn our attention to getting light energy from sources other than the sun, namely, laser light.

If you want to know more about laser light and how it is used therapeutically, read on!

What is a laser?

LASER stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” Basically, a laser amplifies light at a specific wavelength, in a very narrow bandwidth, with high coherence. (The peaks and valleys of the wavelengths are consistent and even.) Don’t worry, you don’t have to understand the physics of laser light to understand how it affects you physiologically! 

There are two types of medical lasers: lasers for surgery and lasers for biostimulation/biomodulation (the stimulation and modulation of the metabolic functions of the human organism).  The latter is known as low-level, or cold laser, and it is the type of laser used therapeutically by many healthcare practitioners. 

Low-level lasers are becoming more common to treat wounds, injuries, pain, and skin issues, as well as being used to stimulate acupuncture points. There is also the possibility to exert a more systemic effect with laser treatment, thereby treating cardiovascular issues, immune issues, allergies, fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, diabetes, chronic liver and kidney diseases, among others. 

How do lasers work therapeutically?

The photons of light trigger the photoreceptors on the cells to transform light energy into cellular energy. The result is increased oxygen and ATP production. This increase in cellular energy stimulates systemic biochemical responses, including increased circulation and microcirculation, increased action potential of nerve cells, increased collagen synthesis (wound healing), balanced immune function, and mediation of pain signals. As you can see, laser light provides general stimulation of the entire organism.

A secondary effect of laser therapy is the transfer of bio-frequency information into the cells. Research has been done to determine which frequencies resonate with particular tissues. For example, treating nerve damage with laser light that has the frequency that resonates with healthy nerve tissue added to it, allows the nerve cells to synchronize with the healthy frequency for optimal results.

In order to achieve a good therapeutic effect with low-level laser therapy, it is important to use a laser that has enough power, but not too much. If there is too little power and subsequently too low a dose of laser light, there won’t be much of a therapeutic effect. Likewise, if the power and dosage are too high and fall beyond the therapeutic window, cellular response and function can be inhibited. 

This is why it is important to have high quality, well-researched equipment, that is built with the appropriate power and is programmed with settings designed to help the practitioner determine the proper dosages. With the right equipment, low-level laser therapy is completely safe, without negative side effects and highly effective.

The RJ LaserPen, designed and manufactured in Germany

The effect of the treatment also has a lot to do with the type (power, brand, accessory) of laser being used, the dosage of laser light given, and the tissue being targeted. 

The  RJ-Laser  equipment I am now using in my practice was designed and manufactured in Germany. RJ-Laser has been designing medical laser equipment for more than 30 years. They offer high-quality, well-researched products, with a wide assortment of laser tools for many different applications. 

At this time I have three different pieces of laser equipment, in addition to the base unit. The laser pen  featured above, can be used for auricular acupuncture as well as to treat body acupuncture points and small joints. I also have a cluster probe to treat larger muscles and joints, as well as a variety of skin pathologies. The most interesting attachment is the blood laser. This attachment targets the blood, offering a more systemic laser treatment. The blood laser will be featured in the upcoming issue of the newsletter with a more thorough explanation of how it works.


Healthy blood, healthy body